• Wedding in a villa

    Swirl in the frescoed halls which once hosted the Grand 19th-century Balls

    A wedding in a villa is most suitable for those who love perfection, attention to detail, luxury. Differently from castles where the whole atmosphere takes us back to the Middle Ages in the world of “damsels and masters”, villas take us back to the 18 th and 19 th centuries when Grand Balls were held in the wide and picturesque halls, decorated with flowing curtains, precious carpets, comfortable armchairs worthy of a Grand Duke. In the green Italian gardens we can organize evocative symbolic weddings, often also civil weddings, in some cases even religious ones. For these latter, it would require a certain amount of work to manage all the red tape and permits but we would be happy to take care of all of it with you to realize the wedding of your dreams.

    In Tuscany you can find villas of different periods and therefore also different styles ranging from country-chic settings right up to porcelain cutlery or crystal chandeliers. The vast spaces which these locations enjoy make it possible to plan the various moments of the wedding in diverse settings: aperitif in the park, dinner in the hall, cutting of the cake by the swimming pool and disco in one of the very many halls or in the dark basements changed into super dance floors using the right lighting. Moreover, do not forget that Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance: from the 15 th century, going through Lorenzo the Magnificent up to Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti and Raffaello Sanzio, every corner, building, work of art, furnishing has been influenced by an art and knowledge known the world over. Built with the intention to amaze visitors, the reception villas gain extra value if decorated in ivory, gold, bronze, dove grey, purple red or black. Dosing flair and common sense we can obtain a refined and personalized villa wedding.

    If the luxurious halls and endless hectares of parkland should not be enough to make you choose a villa wedding, it’s enough to know that, to spoil the guests even more, one of the floors of these locations are often a Spa or wellness centre where the bride and groom can relax before the big day. If the guests are staying in the rooms of the villa, even they can use and enjoy beauty treatments, massages, saunas, warmed pools, Jacuzzi and emotional showers. Most of all, if you arrive in Tuscany for afar, a first class welcome is surely an unforgettable gift for you and your guests!

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